MGW Videos
MGW Videos

Cleaning Metal part 1

Cleaning Metal part 2

Drying the metal

Stacking the metal

Torque Plate Compression

Firing a Billet
Workshop Handouts
These handouts are from Eric's workshops. If used as teaching aids please give credit to Eric and Mokume Gane Workshops.
Helpful Handouts
These handouts are helpful in the studio when making jewelry or melting scrap to make sheet metal or wire.
Santa Fe Symposium Papers Archive
This library is maintained by the Santa Fe Symposium to help you stock your own library of jewelry-making and manufacturing knowledge, including papers on the Mokume Gane technique. To learn more click here for the website.
Reactive Metals
In business since 1981, they are the premiere supplier of unique, quality materials for jewelers, knife makers, craftspeople, artists, medical & dental providers. They specialize in Niobium, Titanium, Anodizing, Multi Etch, Mokume Gane, and more.
Mokume Gane Websites
Steven Jacob *Steve Midgett's Book Mokume Gane: A Comprehensive Study is now online!*